Prayers of the People Lowell Grisham RCL lectionary

Prayers of the People - Lowell Grisham
(scroll down for thematic track)

Proper 26, Year A
Track 1 (sequential track) -- Joshua 3:7-17, Psalm 107:1-7, 33-37

Presider:  O God of steadfast love, you lead us and teach us with gentle strength, urging and encouraging us to live lives worthy of you:  Accept our prayers on behalf of your creation, and gather all people into your presence, as we pray:  Give thanks to the Lord, for God is good; God's mercy endures forever.

Litanist:  You have called your church into the leadership of service:  Inspire our generosity of word and deed, that we may join in your work of reconciliation on behalf of the whole earth. 
Give thanks to the Lord, for God is good;
God's mercy endures forever.

You humble the exalted and exalt the humble among the nations of the world:  Be with our leaders and all in authority that they may exercise their power in a spirit of service for compassion's sake. 
Give thanks to the Lord, for God is good;
God's mercy endures forever.

You lift the burden of those who suffer and guide those who wander in desert wastes:  Hear your children when they cry out to you in their trouble, and deliver them from their distress. 
Give thanks to the Lord, for God is good;
God's mercy endures forever.

You have led us to this good city where we might dwell:  Lead us as you led Moses and Joshua to create a peaceful and fruitful community. 
Give thanks to the Lord, for God is good;
God's mercy endures forever.

You bless the servant-leadership of this congregation:  Grant us vision and generosity as we respond to your calling with grateful hearts.  Give thanks to the Lord, for God is good;
God's mercy endures forever.

You hear the hearts of all who are burdened: 
Accept our prayers on behalf of those for whom we intercede, especially ___. 
We thank you for the abundance of creation; hear our prayers of gratitude and thanks, especially for ____. 
You bring into your eternal land of promise those who have died; we remember especially ___.
Give thanks to the Lord, for God is good;        
God's mercy endures forever.

Presider:  Lead us, O God, into your paths of faithfulness, that we may follow in the way of our Savior Jesus, and live always within the power of your Holy Spirit.  Amen.


Proper 26, Year A
Track 2 (thematic track) -- Micah 3:5-12; Psalm 43

Presider:  O God of steadfast love, you lead us and teach us with gentle strength, urging and encouraging us to live lives worthy of you:  Accept our prayers on behalf of your creation, and gather all people into your presence, as we pray:  Put your trust in God; who is the help of our countenance, and our God.

Litanist:  You have called your Church into the leadership of service:  Inspire our generosity of word and deed, that we may join in your work of reconciliation on behalf of the whole earth. 
Put your trust in God;
who is the help of our countenance, and our God.

You humble the exalted and exalt the humble among the nations of the world:  Be with our leaders and all in authority that they may exercise their power in a spirit of service for compassion's sake. 
Put your trust in God;
who is the help of our countenance, and our God.

You lift the burden of those who suffer and send out your light and your truth to lead us:  Hear your children when they cry out to you in their trouble, and deliver them from their distress. 
Put your trust in God;
who is the help of our countenance, and our God.

You have called us to labor and toil together with our neighbors in this community:  Grant that all may live humbly and honorably, serving one another in charity and mutual respect. 
Put your trust in God;
who is the help of our countenance, and our God.

You bless the servant-leadership of this congregation:  Grant us vision and generosity as we respond to your calling with grateful hearts.  Put your trust in God;
who is the help of our countenance, and our God.

You hear the hearts of all who are burdened: 
Accept our prayers on behalf of those for whom we intercede, especially ___. 
We thank you for the abundance of creation; hear our prayers of gratitude and thanks, especially for ____. 
You bring into your eternal land of promise those who have died; we remember especially ___.
Put your trust in God;
who is the help of our countenance, and our God.

Presider:  Lead us, O God, into your paths of faithfulness, that we may follow in the way of our Savior Jesus, and live always within the power of your Holy Spirit.  Amen.